8325 Ventnor Road
Lake Shore, Maryland 21122
"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." Mark 10: 14b-15
Our 2024-2025 Religious Education Program will meet on Sundays at 9:35 am starting September 22, 2024. The program is open to all children in first through fifth grades.
Mass: It is expected that the children enrolled in our religious education programs attend Mass on a regular basis: attending Mass regularly strengthens our relationship with God. Our parish offers three Masses each weekend to accommodate your various schedules. A few times per a year, a Religious Ed class will "sponsor" a Mass, by volunteering to assist with ushering, greetings, and presenting the gifts.
Parent Events: We also invite parents or guardians to stay for a Catechetical speaker and liturigcal activity. We will be offering five of these parent-stay sessions during the Religious Education year. They are designed to help you engage in your childrens' Catechesis and to encourage your own domestic church! Remember, you are their primary Catechists, and we are honored to accompany you on the faith journey.